Appointments & Prices
First steps and what to expect

Appointments & Service Pricing

Firstly, one of our consultants or senior clinicians will lead you through an initial assessment. To make an enquiry about an initial assessment appointment, please e-mail the administration team on . Please include as much information as possible about your enquiry so this can be considered appropriately. Alternatively you can telephone the office on 01392 829989.

Initial Assessment

Firstly, one of our consultants or senior clinicians will lead you through an initial assessment.  Any specific requests for assessment need to come through via e-mail so that we can price accordingly and have in writing our agreement with you.

Consultant Led Initial Assessment Appointment

£450 for Consultant Paediatrician

An in-depth individualised appointment lasting 1-1.5 hours.  Depending on the age of your child, an assistant practitioner may join this appointment to engage with your child to allow you sufficient time to speak with the Consultant Paediatrician.  This includes an assessment summary and recommendations moving forward.

£600 for COnsultant psychiatrist

An in depth individualised appointment lasting 1-2 hours depending on complexity. This includes an assessment summary and recommendations moving forward.


Where there is a more appropriate Senior Clinician (Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Consultant Nurse Specialist, Associate Specialist Doctor) for initial assessment of the presenting difficulty, this will be discussed with you and priced accordingly. 

£300 for adult consultant psychiatrist

An in depth individualised appointment lasting 1 hour. This includes an assessment summary and recommendations moving forward.

Individualised Care

After your initial assessment, we guide you on any further assessments. Feel free to talk to us about any assessments on the list you feel may be appropriate and we will take that into consideration when building your care plan.

Consultant Follow-Up Appointment

£150 per half hour appointment

Single or joint review appointment as indicated

Therapeutic Session

Range £80 to £300 per hour

Incorporating individualised treatments, strategies and techniques as required. The price is dependent on therapeutic modality and practitioner.

Cognitive Assessment


​A WPPSI (The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence), a WISC-V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition) or a WAIS-IV (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition) as indicated according to age – resulting in a comprehensive report and plan of further assessment requirements.

ASD Assessment


A Consultant led assessment to consider the diagnosis of Autism. This involves:

  • Cognitive Assessment (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – dependent on age)
  • a full specialised Developmental History
  • and an ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule).

For very young and those who are non verbal or have other additional needs the process will be adapted accordingly and may include speech and language assessment, a Schedule of Growing Skills Developmental Assessment (SOGS) in children too young for cognitive assessments and/or a home/nursery/preschool observation.

Diagnostic conclusions are provided directly by the Consultant after compiling the results and a full assessment report will be provided. Price can be dependent on complexity if other tests are required.

For over 18s, the price may increase due to appointments required.  We can discuss this further with you.

ADHD Assessment


A Consultant led assessment to consider the diagnosis of ADHD. This involves:

  • a Cognitive Assessment (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – dependent on age)
  • a Qb test of executive function
  • and a full specialised Developmental History.

For primary school aged Children we may adapt the process to include a school observation.

Diagnostic conclusions are provided directly by the Consultant after compiling the results and a full assessment report will be provided. Price can be dependent on complexity if other tests are required.

For over 18s, the price may increase due to appointments required.  We can discuss this further with you.

Combined Assessment to consider ASD and ADHD


This includes the combined elements of both separate assessments, when both diagnoses are being considered together.

For over 18s, the price may increase due to appointments required.  We can discuss this further with you.

FASD Assessment


FASD Assessment will vary according to areas of difficulty and any previous assessments completed.


If a young person needs to be started on medication, this must be initiated and reviewed by a Consultant or specialist nurse prescriber.

ADHD Medication

When any young person is diagnosed with ADHD and they want to consider medication and are under 18 they would come into clinic to see either the Consultant or a specialist nurse prescriber for a medication initiation appointment.  The medication initiation appointment is an hour at £300 for a Consultant or £200 for a specialist nurse prescriber.

You need to be advised that if the decision is to start medication, you will need the a medication package which is an additional £500 and consists of minimum providing the initial prescription, communication with GP, e-mail communication or phone calls with parents/carers to monitor effect and titrate dose, two follow up face to face appointments, usually at 4-6 weeks and 8-10 weeks, depending on individual circumstances and all prescriptions required during the medication package period.  We usually invoice this up front.  This package covers the first 12-week period only.  A medication package is necessary because GPs will not prescribe unless on a stable, effective dose and supervised by a specialist, then they will consider doing so under a shared care agreement that we can complete.

If the GP accepts the shared care agreement, they will take over the issuing of prescriptions with follow up appointments here at EPIC.  The frequency of the follow up appointments will depend upon the complexity of the case and parental/carer request but will be at least 6 monthly at a cost of £150 (Consultant) or £100 (specialist nurse prescriber) for a 30 minute appointment.

If the GP does not accept the shared care agreement, we are happy to continue to prescribe.  However, we would charge £40 per monthly prescription, plus we would still need to do follow up appointments as set out above.

Please note that 7-10 days’ notice will be required for repeat prescriptions.  Please note that the pharmacist will charge for the medication.

Please note the approach for over 18s is very different.  We are happy to discuss this further with you.

Other Medication

We can offer for you to come into clinic to see either the Consultant or a specialist nurse prescriber for a medication initiation appointment.  The medication initiation appointment is an hour at £300 for a Consultant or £200 for a specialist nurse prescriber.

If medication is started, it might be that your GP can take over the issuing of prescriptions.  If your GP will not take over prescribing, we are happy to continue to prescribe.

We charge £40 per monthly prescription and would also need to do regular medication review appointments here at EPIC at a cost of £150 (Consultant) or £100 (specialist nurse prescriber) for a 30 minute appointment.    The frequency of the medication review appointments will depend upon the complexity of the case and parental/carer request but will be at least 6 monthly.

Please note that 7-10 days’ notice will be required for repeat prescriptions.  Please note that the pharmacist will charge for the medication.

When do I need to order my repeat prescription?

Please could you notify us 7-10 days for a repeat prescription to allow us, your GP and the pharmacist sufficient time to provide this.  Not all medication is readily available at a pharmacy and some medications can only be prescribed by certain Consultants or specialist nurse prescribers who do not work every day at clinic.

Supplementary Prescribing

As a clinic sometimes a prescription may be issued by one of the other Consultants or specialist nurse prescribers in order to avoid delay during staff absences.  This is done with the leading Consultant’s/Nurse Prescriber’s consent and instruction.

Occupational Therapy


Assessment of sensory processing, movement ABC of gross motor skills, or fine motor skills.



Assessment of motor skills and coordination.

Speech and Language Therapy


Assessment of basic speech and language needs ranging through to a highly specialised assessment of higher order language difficulties. 

Health Visitor


Assessment of development using Schedule of Growing Skills (SOGS).



Assessment and advice regarding a range of dietary, feeding and eating difficulties.

Clinical Psychology Functional Assessments


A range of assessments of executive functioning, memory, and adaptive skills. 

Attachment and Trauma Assessments


A range of attachment and trauma assessments including Coventry Grid, Story Stem, and Child Attachment Interview.

Book an appointment

To make an enquiry about an initial assessment appointment, please contact us. Please provide as much information as possible about your enquiry so this can be considered appropriately.
Contact us