Understanding and Supporting Students with ADHD

Supporting ADHD in schools

Thursday 25th April, 3-5pm, £50 per person

This 2 hour virtual seminar on understanding and supporting students with ADHD is designed for professionals (such as teachers, pastoral leads, SENDCOs).

Virtual ADHD Parent Group

Virtual ADHD Parent group

Tuesday 19th March, 6-8pm. £25 per person.

Please note that places for this group are limited but there will be additional dates.

Discovering Rainbows


Discovering Rainbows is a course for parents from South West Autism Support Services.

Welcome to Discovering Rainbows. It is our aim to help families understand what is meant by the autistic spectrum… We hope that this six-week programme will give you more understanding, offer support and networking opportunities, in order to see there is light at the end of the tunnel…

South West Autism Support Services

Please click on the link below for more information including dates and contact details:

ADHD Parenting Group

ADHD Parenting Group

Please note that due to high demand for this group there will be rolling dates available, so watch this space.

ADHD Parenting

28th November 6-8pm, £25 per parent or carer.

Led by our experienced mental health nurse and ADHD coach, this two-hour group will look at the current understanding of what ADHD is and how it impacts on daily living and emotional regulation for children and young people.

The course will cover ideas and strategies to help parents and their children learn to navigate living with ADHD.

For more information contact us.