Welcome to EPIC


Click the link above to view the video EPIC have produced as an aid to any child or young person who is feeling anxious about or just interested in knowing what to expect when they come to an appointment with us. We hope this will make them feel at ease and that they feel comfortable in our purposefully renovated premises.

Paediatric Assistant

EPIC are introducing a new structure to our Paediatric assessments of younger children. Lisa is early years and mental health trained, from the summer she will be joining our Paediatrician for most initial assessments of children under 8 years of age so that she can interact with and observe your child whilst you discuss your concerns with the Consultant. This adds to the depth of information we can gain from the first meeting whilst keeping the appointment at a manageable length for younger children.

For more information contact

Infant Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is infant mental health awareness week with the focus on ‘Speak up for babies’. Infant mental health is rarely talked about and poorly understood.

Babies can’t speak for themselves so it is essential that politicians are reminded in this general election few weeks that babies and very young children also experience the negative effects on their mental well being of parental mental health problems, adverse experiences, family stress and the cost of living crisis.

Poor mental health as babies negatively affects their longer term development and well being.

EPIC have the expertise to assess children of any age and are always here to help.

ADHD Parenting Groups

EPIC’s ADHD Parenting Group sessions are led by our experienced mental health nurse.

We have had excellent feedback for both the in person and virtual two-hour group session which has been repeating monthly since October 2023.

The group session looks at the current understanding of ADHD and how it impacts on daily living for children and young people. It also covers ideas and strategies to help parents and their children learn to navigate living with ADHD.

The session was previously available only for those children and young people diagnosed with ADHD through EPIC. We have now widened the invite to anyone who has a child or young person with ADHD.

Please contact for more information or to book your place. Places are limited and allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Discovering Rainbows


Discovering Rainbows is a course for parents from South West Autism Support Services.

Welcome to Discovering Rainbows. It is our aim to help families understand what is meant by the autistic spectrum… We hope that this six-week programme will give you more understanding, offer support and networking opportunities, in order to see there is light at the end of the tunnel…

South West Autism Support Services

Please click on the link below for more information including dates and contact details: